IAAP - The Vision and Work over Many Decades to Create “One Family under God.” 

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About IAAP

IAAP, the International Association of Academicians for Peace as a project of UPF

IAAP, the International Association of Academicians for Peace as a project of UPF, is to work in conjunction with the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP), International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), International Media Association for Peace (IMAP) and International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED), and other like-minded associations that may be formed in the future.

The International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP) represents a new global interdisciplinary academic initiative aimed at contributing toward the realization of a world of lasting peace.

We HEREBY affirm and resolve to uphold the following principles and objectives:

To establish programs that promote excellence in academic research for the benefit of humanity.

To promote the highest quality academic publications and academic teaching.

To build professional networks for academicians to foster a world of peace based on the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values.

To convene programs that advance these goals.

Our beliefs

Our mission

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present.

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Our mission

Our mission

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present.

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Our vision

Our vision

Do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

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